June 19, 2015

It’s worth making comparisons between turn of the century mining practices and today’s global mining market to illustrate the gap that segregates these two industrial configurations. An eighteenth century mine could afford a few overhead expenses and still make big profits due to the small size of the facility. Contrariwise, modern mines are tapped in to a global economy, and success now depends on commandeering all engineering resources in the defense of slender profit margins. Computer design models are a tool used by engineers in this subterranean venture. The power of a CAD (Computer Aided Design) layout enables engineers to incorporate a solid equipment modelling workflow, one that empowers the draughtsperson with point-to-point dominion over the creation of a standard product outline, from development stage to fabrication platform.

A CAD environment is simply a computer node equipped with specialized software. It designs products in three-dimensional space within the software environment and translates the design into numerical cues that can be read by manufacturing tools. In the case of screen media, conveyors, and feeding equipment, this CAD cycle can alter the standard product workflow and introduce custom-built parts. Imagine using this methodology to alter the spacing or perforation size used in a series of screens so that you subtly alter the sorting dynamic used in ranking different assets. A mineral facility can use this versatile operational edge to tailor equipment to the client’s exact needs, thus avoiding costly retrofits by ensuring a computer designed part is dispatched with attributes that fit the application.

The power of computer design introduces a homogenizing element into the mine, a powerful equivalency feature that ensures all machinery works together. Machinery and equipment parts are stored in the CAD software library and called upon when an asset needs to be modified in some way. Material lists are kept on file. Fragmentation becomes a thing of the past, and the entire mine begins to resemble a single smoothly operating system, one that radiates efficiency. Of course, user emphasis in the software environment remains firmly on problem solving. A client has hit an obstacle, a productivity diluting mining problem, and it’s up to the CAD operator to either come up with a new piece of equipment or, more likely, to adapt an existing mining tool to fit new operational parameters. One example comes in material deficiencies. The old component simply can’t hold up against the environmental stresses found in the mining operation, so the CAD tool rebuilds the part from a higher grade of steel.

Software solutions are revitalizing the way we plan engineering projects, with CAD in particular playing a significant role in the plant-wide layout of mining infrastructures. But we still see the technology as a vital aid in that lower scale, the exacting design of complex machinery. Capable of validating custom-designed prototypes and taking parts through simulations, a sound CAD program can adapt any piece of mining equipment, finalize a design and show it off to a client. The finalized design is then sent to numerical coding tools for a quick turnaround and installation cycle. Should the part still not satisfy, well, the design is still on file and ready to be modified once more.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989

Email: info@hawkmachinery.com.au

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