July 17, 2017

The Australian extractive industry is rich in more ways than one. Certainly, huge mineral reserves trapped under the soil have made the southern continent a prosperous nation, but we’re talking about a rich historical heritage, not monetary gains. In other words, the history of mining in Australia is full of exceptional extractive efforts. It all began with pioneers in 1820s New South Wales.


This is the starting blocks, the place where the Gold Rush took roots. Just like the pioneers on the western frontier in California, the southern state mined gold. At one point, just to add perspective to our case, Australia was mining forty-percent of the globe’s gold ore. Fifty years before that, the coal mining industry had turned the Newcastle territories into the epicentre of the extractive sector. Copper and iron, lead and zinc, New South Wales and South Australia were the dual launch pads for the nineteenth-century industrial revolution, Australia style.


There no such thing as an unlimited resource. Australia, a growing nation that was buckling under its burgeoning immigrant population, needed more metal ores and the coking coals that would provide the energy to process those ores. Transformed into steel and aluminium, alloy-reinforced structures and machines would be constructed when these ores were extracted. And so it was that the roads ticked outward to Queensland, to Mt Morgan, where lead and silver were mined from the late 1880s onward. From there, the roads branched and branched again. Bauxite, an aluminium ore, was discovered in Western Australia while iron was mined at Iron Knob in South Australia. However, these deposits were being found in less hospitable areas of the country, plus they were situated deeper underground. The solution to this mining conundrum didn’t yet exist, not until the twentieth century came barreling along.

It was a frustrating time, the end of the Victorian era. The industrial revolution was moving at full-tilt, but the newer, deeper deposits were out of reach. Finally, thanks to the Bureau of Mineral Resources, created in June 1946, research was conducted into innovative extractive technologies. Groundbreaking engineering tools followed soon after, with extractive processes finally making the release of these trapped mineral resources a practical reality. That brings us to the present day, an age that has replaced wooden equipment with steel. Elastomeric liners, electronic instrumentation, and a host of other important technological assets now rule every state, but they’re all built on the foundations we’ve described, on a backbone that took shape over two-hundred years ago in Australia.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989


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