April 7, 2015

The structure of a mining operation is a skeletal assemblage of purpose-driven machinery. The process begins at the site of the ore extraction, with that site ever-shifting in search of new seams of coal, iron, copper, gold, and other mineral resources. The completion of the cycle is the node of conveyance, the point of transport that takes the material onward to refining stages and smelting. The destination is dependent on the contents of the mined rock, but what of the machinery that lays between these two defining points? Here’s a look at the high-quality tools Hawk Machinery brings to this process, the essential machines that send never-ending streams of wet and dry aggregate into the light of day.


Acting as the mainstay of any mining operation, horizontal screening solutions convey large volumes of extracted material. This stage is dominated by the need to grade or sort the ore, but there’s also a secondary function, the removal of waste material. There’s a flexibility of design here, a strategy that introduces dynamic movement and the option to swap out sorting media, thus altering the grading process as set in place by lead engineers. The dynamic motion that pushes this sorting forward is created by twin motors, monumental axial devices that impel the screens into a lateral dance where the aggregate is forced through the apertures built into the screen media.


Gravity combines with twin motor kilowattage and smoothly oiled bearings to conquer vertical rises and falls in a mining environment. The high flow of matter and upcoming dewatering stages are reinforced by the addition of a secondary level. This double-decker arrangement is used in both inclined and vertical screening solutions. Again, the integration of these mechanisms is selected by the client, the engineer, and by the Hawk Machinery representative to tailor match the assembly with the geological conditions.


We finish by returning to the beginning. The initial entrance of excavated matter into this carefully controlled environment is, not surprisingly, as raw rock. The material is fresh from the mine face and yet to be graded. The heavy-duty feeder is shaped to funnel this rough-hewn matter, thus is built tough and constructed with a bar or plated steel configuration, which represents the beginnings of ore sorting.

Hawk machinery equipment is rigged out with countless variations on the above tools. There are dozens if not scores of options, each with vibrating components and toughened non-abrasive screening panels. Also, browse through our complete repository of heavy-duty screening solutions to see our hi-flow and dewatering products, purchasing with confidence in the knowledge that you’ll maximize your mine’s productivity cycle.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989

Email: info@hawkmachinery.com.au

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