In the past, dewatering screens are created just to filter and separate water from the sand. Today, dewatering screens are now used in industries that conduct desliming and medium removal of materials. Such industries include trailing dry discharge in beneficiation plant, slime recovery in a coal preparation plant, mining, agriculture, and many more.
How Do Dewatering Screens Work?
To dewater materials, the slurry is placed onto the steep and inclined screen panels. The counter-rotating vibrating motor, together with the screen surface, will then continuously move at a certain angle. This specific movement allows the slurry to move upward and forward, initiating the process of vibration where the water and solid materials are being separated.
Every solid material that is discharged out of the vibration process goes through the outlet of the screen plate, while the water will enter the water tank through the screen meshes. If the solid materials accumulate on the upward inclined screen panels, a filter layer will be created between the uphill screen and discharge weir. This layer helps retain small particles and lets water pass through the screen holes.
Why Use Dewatering Screens?
Dewatering screens are the best tool to use in separating water from solid materials because of numerous reasons. The use of dewatering screens has been proven to produce drier materials compared to other filtration tools and equipment. Moreover, these screens can process and filter multiple materials all at one screen, which can reduce the overall footprint of the equipment.
Speaking of the filtered materials, dewatering screens are very versatile. They can effectively handle a wide range of particle sizes. The use of these screens ensures that all solid materials will be retained and that the water will flawlessly flow through. Moreover, the filtering action of the dewatering screens may not happen in all parts of the filter media. You are free to use some parts of your screen media for size classification, while the others for the dewatering action.
The use of dewatering screens can help you save a lot of money. The process of dewatering with dewatering screens only consumes a little amount of power compared to other dewatering equipment. Additionally, the wearing components of dewatering screens are fewer than other equipment.
How to Choose Dewatering Screens?
Choosing dewatering screens will vary depending on some factors.
Knowing these things will certainly help you appreciate the wonders of dewatering screens for your business. If you are looking for some great dewatering screens, then you can turn to us in Hawk Machinery.
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