December 4, 2018
On a large-scale mineral processing deck, moving parts orient themselves when aggregate loads drop free of vibratory feeders. Everything about the equipment feels kinetically charged, so there are motors buzzing and powered solenoids snapping shut. Still, among all the energized machine parts, inclined screens are performing their own role in the mineral processing sequence. Angularly […]
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November 19, 2018
Imagine a world without copper. Without it, electrical wires and pipes would disappear overnight. Industries can’t exist without the malleable metal, nor can a thousand essential applications. Meeting their needs, the Olympic Dam mining complex, located in Southern Australia, mines over 200,000 tonnes of the industry-essential metal every year. Clearly, Australia has a vested interest […]
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November 7, 2018
Nickel is the fifth most abundant element on our planet. Iron is more common, and there’s plainly more oxygen around. As for iron and aluminium, silica and carbon, these top ten materials all have their place. Their roles in the industrial world are all instantly recognizable. So, what’s nickel’s role? And why is nickel mining […]
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October 23, 2018
Was there ever a time when mining equipment was primitive? Presumably so, but that time has long since vanished into the past. Take vibrating screens as one example of the modern era. The screens don’t simply quiver and shake at random. On the contrary, the technologically advanced vibrational mechanisms oscillate in a precisely controlled manner. […]
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October 11, 2018
In mining equipment, all vibrating screens use some form of kinetic excitation. Linearly casting ore up and forward, freely vibrating screens use a simple excitation mechanism, plus gravity to move material, at which point the undersize is processed and the screening operation continues. Sets of springs reinforce the linear movement. Opting out of this linear […]
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