The Process of Large-Scale Gold Mining Using Mining Equipment

April 26, 2018

Gold, a lustrous and valuable metal, is excavated from mines in large quantities. No doubt, there was a time when prospectors acquired the burnished yellow ore by pulling out rusty sifting pans, but that’s no longer the case. No, heavy duty mining equipment is now used to extract massive loads of gold. That mechanized process […]

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Inclined De-watering Screens: Efficiency and Significance in Mining

April 17, 2018

Inclined de-watering screens process dirty slurry streams. Let’s see, the muddy extract has come down the tilted screen at an angle. Up to this point that water has acted as a sticky binding agent. Now, though, as the mineral stream leaves the screening equipment, the mud is gone. This drip-free aggregate is easy to mechanically […]

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Maximising Brute Force Feeder Capacity in Quarry and Mining

March 30, 2018

Brute force feeders are shaped as massive alloy-toughened troughs. The design has to be simple because a “less is more” maxim suits heavy industrial equipment. When it comes to mining and quarrying applications that rule really exerts a major influence on these feeder solutions, for heavy granular cuts flow here, right into their gaping steel […]

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Tough Challenges and Problems Faced by the Minining and Quarrying Industry

March 20, 2018

Ore scarcity pecks at mining profit margins. As the minerals run dry, the tunnels cut deeper. Meanwhile, the demand for building site aggregate is spiking for the umpteenth time. There’s simply not enough excavated gravel and slate coming out of these hard-pressed quarries to feed the construction industry. Thankfully, modern crushing and screening methods are […]

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Hawk Machinery: Supplier of Mining and Quarry Equipment for Asia, Australia and Other Parts of the World

February 28, 2018

Mining and quarry work requires the use of heavy-duty equipment that is reliable and durable as you probably already know since you are in search of it at present for your own company. While you can find many suppliers of this type of equipment, it is difficult to know which one to rely on for […]

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