Crushing101 with Hawk Machinery: The Role Of Crushers in Mining

September 26, 2022

Crushers are a piece of essential equipment for any material handling activity within an underground mine. The primary objective of a crusher is to reduce the particle size of the fed material. This size reduction is accomplished by providing a force to the material, which results in the formation of fractures in the material, which, in turn, ultimately leads to the substance breaking up into smaller pieces. To make transporting the material to the mill easier in underground mining operations, size reduction must first occur. In the process of ore concentration, the first step frequently occurs is resizing the material. During designing a mine, adequate consideration ought to be given to the selection and sizing of crushers. This is necessary since crushing is a crucial stage in ore concentration.

This article aims to provide an overview of the parameters that play a role in the selection of crushers for underground mining operations and the sizing of those crushers. This page summarises the many types of crushers and the characteristics that govern the sizing and selection of the crusher.

Continue reading to find out more!

The Crusher’s Location in an Underground Mine

Within the context of an underground mining operation, the placement of the crusher has a significant bearing on the planning and development of the mine. The crusher’s significance in the design of material handling and skipping can be attributed to the fact that it played a role in both of these areas. There are two potential places for an underground crusher: one is close to the shaft, and the other is directly below the orebody. The degree of steepness of the orebody, the production schedule of the mine, and the ground stress are some factors that define where the shaft will be built. Excavation, installation, and commissioning of an underground crusher station are expected to take between six and twelve months, respectively.

Proper Handling of Mining Materials

In an underground mining operation, the ore is transported from the grizzly to the skip via the material handling section of the crushing process. This portion of the crushing process is known as the primary crusher. This can be conveniently divided into three parts: pre-crushing, the crushing process, and post-crushing. The first step in the crushing process is called pre-crushing, and it consists of transporting material via the grizzly, then down the ore pass, and ultimately into the crusher itself. The ore will go through the crusher as it moves through the crushing phase. This, of course, will be different depending on the particular crusher used. The final phase, known as the post-crushing phase, refers to the movement of the material after it has been crushed. This movement begins when the material leaves the crusher and enters the ore bin. After that, it continues its journey toward the loading zone at the skip.

Technological and Multifunctional Aspect of Crushers

Choosing the appropriate primary crusher for any process that involves size reduction is critical to the success of the undertaking. Impact strength, product size, and the hardness of the material are the primary characteristics that should be considered while selecting a general type of crusher. The needed capacity, feed, and product size will play a significant role in the crusher’s ultimate design decision-making process. It is important to note that other crusher selections could be established following the equipment’s location and degree of mobility.

Interested in mining crushers? Call us today to discover endless possibilities!

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