June 5, 2015

Isolating precious minerals and ores from the earth is a tough challenge for engineers. A single look at extrapolated mining data shows the need for new and innovative techniques of bringing these earth elements into the light of day so that they can be refined and passed across to manufacturing plants for further processing. Take a look sideways to see this same issue plaguing our search for energy in the form of fossil fuels. Oil and gas no longer gushes from the ground. Instead, intensive hydro fracking alternatives are required to leverage those essential resources from where they’re locked between solid geological barriers. It’s a future of dwindling returns that we’re facing, but one that can be offset by adapting to the vagaries of our world’s complex geological architecture.

Mines and quarries adapt their shape, configuration and infrastructure in a conscious effort to adapt to today’s earth moving scenarios. The same principle, a capacity for market-leading malleability, applies to the machinery and tools that cycle between the active face of a mine and the surface. All of these items, heavy-duty mining apparatus by any label, are designed with requisite customisation options, built in. The item is formed as a standard or baseline product, but modified versions are either available for order or can be quickly prototyped at the manufacturing facility to add new features, functions that extend the workings of the part within an inherently changeable environment. This elastic work model enables quick retooling, reduces costly periods of downtime, and reinvents the extractive process used by clients who are involved in mining and quarrying.

The second and most critical element in the mining and quarrying dynamic is found in the strict policies and regulations that are adopted by clients when they enter a mining operation. Engineering demands and policies collide head on with the organic, unpredictable nature of the underground realm. A geological asset is misinterpreted or a wall of hard rock stops the job just short of mineral reserves. Fortunately, intelligent customisation is already built in to much of the crushing and screening circuit. Modern screens are manufactured with quick-release fasteners to enable the operation to grade ore more finely. Reciprocating motors and their associated mechanical assemblies are infinitely adjustable, thus adding an edge of versatility to the task. A change of a counterweight is enough to accomplish this goal, with the weight altering the eccentric movement of the vibrating screens.

A flexible mining equipment manufacturer is informed with knowledge in the standard operational models used in hard-working quarries and mines. The design goal set in this controlled environment is to perfect and extend the standard product ranges used in these heavy earth moving industries, but this is only half of the answer when answering a client’s call to develop a tailor made solution for one of a thousand geologically diverse scenarios. The role of the engineering department here is to solve these issues with comprehensive customisation skills and the ability to modify parts on the fly, as this is the route to cultivating a productive relationship with the Earth and her now limited resources.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989


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