Mining Equipment Etiquettes to Observe to Prevent Operation Stoppage

December 13, 2022

Working in mining may be a dangerous occupation. A guy passed away after being involved in an accident in a copper mine in Australia not too long ago. 22 people were killed in yet another disaster at a coal mine in southwest China. In fact, China is home to some of the most hazardous mines in the world, and Chinese officials have been working tirelessly to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

You must adhere to the following safety procedures if you are thinking of making a career out of mining. This will ensure that your time spent underground is as trouble-free as is humanly feasible.

Get Rid of Blind Spots

Before beginning to back up, those heavy-operating machinery must be confident that neither a person nor anything is behind them. It is occasionally necessary for the operator to physically exit his machine and walk around to the rear so that they may check for blind spots. The field of vision afforded by mirrors does not usually include all 360 degrees. The few seconds it takes to step away from the machine and take a look might end up saving someone’s life.

Always Be Sure You Wear Your Protective Gear and Seatbelts!

Many different pieces of protective gear, including hard hats, safety glasses, and gloves, are worn by mine employees to ensure their safety. At all times, all personnel must be outfitted in the appropriate protective gear. For instance, there have been numerous accounts of employees who have had their lives saved by helmets.

Also, always ensure you fasten your seat belt when you are in a moving car. This is also true for automobiles, trucks, and other types of heavy equipment. Seat belts are designed to prevent the wearer from being ejected from the vehicle if it flips over. Seat belts save lives. As part of the laws for worker safety gear, employers are obligated to instal good seat belts in any heavy equipment they own.

Mounting And Dismounting Should Be Done According To The Three-Point Rule

Many operators have been seriously injured or even lost their lives due to heavy machinery’s reckless mounting or dismounting. Never leap off or onto any piece of heavy machinery. Maintain three-point contact at all times: whether mounting or dismounting, use two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand, respectively.

Perform A Pre-Work Risk Assessment

Before commencing work on a site, it is important to do a visual inspection to ensure that there are no potential hazards above or below ground, such as cables, gas lines, or electrical wires. All of these things need to be marked for easy identification. When there are subsurface obstacles nearby, dig with a shovel. Establish barriers around the areas where holes are being dug to prevent employees or visitors to the construction site from falling into the holes by accident.

Be Aware of And Comply With All Load Limits

It is important to be aware of the load restrictions, both in terms of size and weight, for the equipment setup. Check to see that the load is secured using the appropriate attachments. Regularly do a visual inspection of the rigging to check for signs of fraying or breakage. Before shifting a cargo, it is imperative to check that all personnel are out of harm’s path and out of danger.

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