The Roles of Vibrating Screens in Mining and Quarrying

March 24, 2023

When most people think of screens or sieves, they envision a tiny child at the beach sifting through sand to locate seashells or other hidden treasures. However, when it comes to rock filters for the aggregate business, they are quite technological and scientific.

The Function Of Vibrating Screens

Rock screens are critical to any organisation involved in rock crushing. Crushers will not always crush rocks to the same size. After the rocks have been crushed, they will pass through a screen for two reasons: First, you must obtain the necessary sizes. Second, they are either utilised to wash or dewater stuff. The rock is filtered and separated to the precise size required by the customer for foundation, asphalt, or concrete. One quarry may specialise in producing large quantities of concrete, whilst another may concentrate on producing lesser quantities of asphalt. At times, a quarry may require the ability to create both.

Furthermore, client product standards are getting progressively tighter (meaning fewer margins of error) and might vary significantly – even within geographically similar regions. For these and other reasons, aggregate producers must recognise the rock screen’s importance to their business’s success.

From The Crusher To The Screen

Rock screens comprise a screen box, several screen decks, screen media, and a vibrating motor that shakes and propels pebbles through the screens. Media refers to the wearing layers that size the material and cover each deck inside the screen box. The media is a screen made of metal cloth, rubber, or polyurethane with certain perforations that allow the stone to travel through or discharge over the decks. All of those apertures will be adjusted to a specific size to meet the dimensional threshold required by the quarry per product.

The process begins when the rocks passing through the crusher settle on a conveyor belt, which transports the material to a screen tower. The boulders are dropped onto the screens, and the screening process begins. In a quarry, the most common screens are inclined and set at a 20-degree slant. The pebbles are thrown into the feedbox at the top of the screen, cascading onto the first screen deck.

There will be three decks on several displays. Aggregate manufacturers will know which apertures to put on each deck to create the required goods. For instance, if a specified product is between 1.5 to 1 inch, the top deck opening would be 1.5 inches to account for the oversize. The material that passes through to the second deck is then screened at 1 inch. Nothing smaller than 1 inch will fall through, and whatever remains on the second deck is the desired product.

This procedure of transferring and holding information is repeated throughout the screen. The material can then be transported to a pile to be sold or recirculated. Most quarries produce comparable materials, such as foundation rocks, concrete, and asphalt. Though most states have their names and criteria for what those items require, certain quarries specialise in specialised aggregate products. Depending on the market, they’ll try to create a more distinctive product specification.

When necessary, quarries can change the size of the screen medium. In addition, quarries may need to modify the settings on the crushers to increase or decrease the feed size.

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