February 24, 2015

Watching the ceaseless sieving of a difficult powder start to breakdown and succumb to the menace of mesh blockage will quickly turn a productive day into a nightmare. The low density particles are clumping and binding to each other, forming a rapidly lengthening blockage along the screen medium.

The binding phenomenon and others like it were once regarded as chaotic anomalies, but modern engineering knows better. The powder, whether it’s granulated or an accumulation of ultrafine powder, is responding to predictable laws of physics that function at a close to microscopic level. Particle analysis functions improve the distribution of these powders, earning the discipline a label: micromeritics. The subjects covered by the term include the density of the powder, the manner in which the powder interacts with its environment, how it is likely to distribute the bulk of the mass within a finite space, and many more characteristics that only an engineer can fully comprehend. Mathematical laws and physical constraints guide the solutions in this discipline, resulting in smooth flow without blockage. Materials under observation include

  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Corn flour
  • Metal powders
  • Finely granulated aggregates

A laboratory-grade analysis of a submicron powder necessitates the application of expensive solutions in the form of electron microscopy and electronic particle volume analysis, expensive technologies that have no analogous solutions. Fortunately, the majority of powders in the agriculture industry and the challenging field of pharmaceuticals do not require such specific separation processes. An ultrasonic mechanism capable of vibrating the powder at a set amplitude and frequency is all that’s required to maintain a constant flow and even distribution.

Ultrasonic debinding equipment tends to stick to a defined profile. Rather than adopting the horizontal flow and angled feeding mechanisms of a mining or quarrying operation, the devices reconcile rotational movement with gravitational force by stacking circular separators and vibratorary sieves one on top of the other to maximize distribution and overcome the binding characteristics of the powdered material. This configuration accounts for the sieving of powdered milk, corn powder, metal powders, and delicate pharmaceutical products. The non-destructive vibratory action can additionally employ another axis of motion, for example, the pivoting and tumbling of the entire chassis to increase material distribution.

Allowing industry leaders to express complete control over difficult powders, to conquer factors such as static clumping and variable coarse-to-fine throughput, ultrasonic sieving can easily cope with tiny particles down to 20 microns. The principles of sieving have always improved screening through the fitting of screens with a precisely calculated aperture size, fitting woven mesh and electroformed micromesh to separation plates, but the addition of frequency and amplitude controlled ultrasonic sieving now dominates the field, raising throughput by 200% or greater.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989

Email: info@hawkmachinery.com.au

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