June 25, 2014

If it’s time to expand or upgrade your quarry equipment and open pit operation, and you’re in the market for new machinery, then knowing what to look for a quarry equipment manufacturer will guarantee that you get the equipment and service that you need to run a smooth operation. New quarry plant equipment and machines, such as crushers and screens, can provide the assurance of uninterrupted production that shareholders are pleased with. In this regard, being able to identify a quality manufacture of quarry equipment is paramount for your operations success.

Ultimately, finding a local quarry equipment manufacture, in country, is ideal; however, sometimes it may be cost effective to acquire equipment abroad. Either way, a quality manufacturer should have a wide selection of equipment that has been proven efficient in other quarry operations and open mines internationally, which can be confirmed. Although acquiring quarry equipment may be your main concern, an exceptional, dependable and friendly support service is an absolute must. Why?

Because, if production stops, and quarry equipment needs to be brought back online, then a speedy and dependable repair service agreement is an absolute necessity. One quality matters the most, and that’s locating good quality quarry equipment that is reliable, rugged and proven to last. Here are some aspects to consider that will assist you in knowing what to look for a quarry equipment manufacturer.

Proven Quality Equipment and Reputation – Manufacturer of quality quarry equipment, such as brute force vibrating pan feeders, hi-flow dewatering horizontal screens, hi-scalp vibrating screens, hi-flow horizontal screens, hi-lite screens and hi-ton inclined screens, should be fairly easy to identify by their equipment’s reputation. Searching for equipment reviews, or speaking to individuals who have worked on a manufacturer’s equipment, is an effective way to discover the reputation of a company’s quarry equipment.

Technical Experts – A quality quarry equipment manufacture will have technical experts that are versed in the latest mining technologies and computer software to develop new products for your unique quarry location, if needed. Having technical experts available to you gives you a management edge, especially when unexpected conditions arise and new equipment specifications are required. With technical experts you can have equipment designed and tailored to meet your unique needs to overcome a production obstacle.

Knowing what to look for a quarry equipment manufacturer is just a matter of finding a company that has technical experts who can produce quality, reliable equipment, and that offers a dependable repair and maintenance service.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989

Email: info@hawkmachinery.com.au

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