May 19, 2015

The role of a productive conveyance mechanism is much the same as the company itself, to move forward and promote productivity. Unlike the hypothetical business we’re imagining, the selection of adequate conveying equipment depends on a finite number of variables. The material being conveyed is a prime decider for belt and drive choice, as is the environment where the gear is being installed. The obligation of design engineers and company heads in this scenario is fairly straightforward. These expert planners create installation strategies, incorporating the right kind of conveyance gear as imposed by industry demands. In clarifying this reasoning, here’s a concise list of processing facilities and their associated conveyor systems:

  • A mining environment with a reinforced belt and screening system
  • The maintenance-free clean room conveyor belt
  • The stepped construction of inclined conveyor belts as used in underground mining
  • Fine and coarse material belts used in pharmaceutics and grain storage

A conveying equipment manufacturer either targets certain industrial needs or acts as an umbrella, blanketing every industry by amassing huge manufacturing resources. In defining the narrower spectrum of a precision manufacturer, we’d say the mining and quarrying of underground materials rules the coarse material market. An industry leader in this domain requires expertise in drive technology and belt selection. For instance, imagine one of the larger mines in Chile or Australia, remote facilities covered in networks of long tunnels. Certain conveyor belt systems process so much ore in these locations, carrying raw ore or coal, that they’ve earned their place in the Guinness Book of Records. We’re talking about conveyor belts that are 7.5 km long and perhaps longer.

These simple facts only serve to illustrate the role of the conveyance manufacturer within industry, defining the company in question as the vital link between a kilometres distant mine face and the point of transit where the ore is moved to another stage. As such, opt for a manufacturer with expertise in all capacities, in belt systems that integrate non-abrasive synthetics and an underlying core of metal weave. Tie this deciding factor into the environment, querying the manufacturer on experience underground, in clean room facilities, in inclined work, and ensure this experience is met by a matching knowledge of drive technology.

Conveyance equipment keeps valuable material moving, so make sure you’re gaining the services of a company with experience of coarse or fine movement in the right industry.

Screening Technology Pty Ltd T/AS Hawk Machinery

Address: 7 Lantana St Blackburn North Vic 3130
Contact Person: Bohdan Blaszczyk
Phone: +61 3 9877 7777
Fax: +61 3 9877 8177
Mobile: 0411 099 989

Email: info@hawkmachinery.com.au

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